What Kind of Civic Education for a True European Citizenship? (CE4EC)


Project n. 2022-2-IT02-KA210-SCH-000097533

Project General Objects

Once the European Union is created, the challenge is to educate citizens to overcome national borders and constraints to embrace a broader and more comprehensive idea of citizenship: being EU citizens and not of individual states and remain citizens of individual states while being EU citizens. The Ce4Ec project aims at involving students and teachers from several European countries in training activities; working groups and the final event-contest in Reggio Calabria 

Project Specific objectives: 

  • building a civic culture based on information, education and the will to create together both a scientifically and ecologically advanced society and a more just and supportive society based on the culture of respect for oneself and for others; 

  • insist on the possibility of a life in common beyond ethnic, cultural, ideological and religious diversity; 

  • closely coordinate the different realities so that young students can compare the different living conditions, dimensions and local habits 

Other objectives: 

  • facilitate dialogue starting from the micro-reality; 

  • evaluate and know the different behavioural models; 

  • enhance problems especially those relating to the world of young people; 

  • establish a European youth council that constantly monitors the civic "norms" that facilitate cultural and occupational exchange between nations


Università di Genova – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Internazionali - https://dispi.unige.it/


Federazione Nazionale degli Insegnanti - https://www.fnism.it

Colegiul National Mircea Cel Batran - http://cnmirceavl.ro

Centrum Edukacji w Zabrzu - http://ce.zabrze.pl

Project activity - Pods on EU

Space4EU - Jean Monnet - Pods on EU 

Ultimo aggiornamento 12 Settembre 2023